[Westwales] Site Setup

Matthew Bennett mwb3 at aber.ac.uk
Thu Jul 19 23:58:14 BST 2007

Robert Savage wrote:
> I have web space on UKFSN but am not sure how to get my publication onto
> the site.  Connected to UKFSN as usual using kppp then brought up KBear
> and entered the FTP address in its connect dialog, together with
> username and pswd.  Second window in KBear showed  a folder with the
> label 'Website'.  First time I did this I seemed able to open it but as
> soon as I tried to copy my files KBear shutdown.  On Subsequent
> attempts I got an error message about permission opening the folder.
> Is KBear broken?  Am I doing it all wrong?  Should I give up and open a
> bottle of wine?

It wouldn't suprise me. I'm a gnome user at the moment, so I tend to keep
away from KDE apps.

Might I suggest using firefox with FireFTP? It is very easy to use, but of
course that depends on you being a firefox user... If so, it's available
in the firefox repositories online at

If possible, however, it is recommended that you use something more secure
than just FTP. I believe FTP sends passwords unencrypted over the internet
- WinSCP is available for windows, and it works ok under the latest wine

If neither of those are suitable for you, I've found a good list at

Hope that helps!

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