[Wiltshire] OT: Tolerance vs. PC [Was: Meeting place]

David Fletcher dave at thefletchers.net
Mon Apr 28 13:04:52 BST 2008

At 12:37 28/04/2008, you wrote:
>David Fletcher wrote:
>>At 12:00 28/04/2008, you wrote:
>>>How about a little give and take. A bit of good old British tolerance.
>>I find tolerance of an activity which is known to poison 
>>non-participants to be illogical.
>1 - The evidence is acknowledged to be negligable .. except by those 
>who's agenda is to push the concept of banning an activity for the 
>"Good" of those participating (if so, watch out rock climbers etc). 
>In fact the evidence suggested the prophylactic effect associated 
>with mild to medium exposure heavily outweighed evidence of purely 
>harmful effect.

You should try speaking to Roy Castle's widow about the effects of 
passive smoking.

>2 - The suggestion was not that you should be in the same 
>atmosphere, but that those who wish to may do so in a separated 
>space, out of ear, eye and noseshot.

So what we need is a video conference link installed at the pub so 
that smokers can join in the LUG meetings.

>3 - You best stop driving then.

If only I could. Unfortunately it's a little difficult in today's society.


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