[Wolves] keymapping
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Dec 4 22:45:00 2002
steve parkes spoo'd forth:
> I thought it was part of a conspiracy that ever since I joined your list
> nothing, nada, has been sent to it. I didn't want to ask if anyone else was
> on the list for fear of public ridicule.
It's broken then, dude, because I've got plenty :)
Jono: how many people are subscribed to the list? Are we allowed to
post a subscriber list, or would this be a gross violation of privacy?
I'm expecting Fizzy to go into meltdown at the idea ;)
Why am I not surprised that Microsoft would make these things HTTP
Equivs? What next? Extending HTTP 1.1 so that "GET" is followed by "or
-- Steven Champeon <schampeo@hesketh.com>, webdesign-l