[Wolves] Re: Wolves meetup summary
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Nov 22 13:50:05 2002
Steve spoo'd forth:
> I've used a system called Userland ( http://www.userland.com/) to manage content for some websites - its set up on a friends computer, and it uses easy to
> edit html templates with macros to manage content, and also impliments css well for the presentation side of things. Its very slow though - to see what i mean
> visit http://www.myprotova.com/lowtechbrum for the A2RT blog, or go to http://www.myprotova.com to spawn a new slow site of your own. Anyway and it
> costs money apparently and doesn't run on linux , so we are looking for a free and open source alternative for content management. I've had a quick play with
> postnuke, but i'd be interested in seeing if there's a very quick way simplifying the look and the navigation of the site, so groups who arn't experienced at either
> html or php can quickly get into posting up text and images without all the other baggage.
Try any of the following for software similar to Radio Userland but
fine for Linux and not commercial:
Movable Type (this is what kryogenix.org uses)
or wait a few weeks and then use Vellum, the one I'm writing, which
kryogenix.org *will* be running on ;)
Can i dial 1-255-255-255 and make every phone in the world ring?
-- Tanuki