[Wolves] Chicken-and-egg situation regarding HPT372 RAID controller

Dan wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Oct 7 14:16:02 2002

Aquarius wrote:
> Dan spoo'd forth:
>>The problem is when I come to try and boot the base system.  LILO comes up
>>fine, and the first part of the boot sequence starts - but the system 
>>through not being able to mount the root filesystem.  It would appear that
>>the kernel recognises the RAID controller as HPT370, the driver for 
>>which can
>>only do RAID 0.  Is there any way make the hpt37x2 module live in the 
>> The problem is that it isn't a standard part of the kernel source tree
>>AFAIK.  I have NO IDEA how to do this.  HELP!
> Can you not have your root filesystem not be on the RAID? That way you
> wouldn't need RAID support that early, and when you've got a root
> filesystem you can then insert the module and mount all the other
> filesystems off the RAID...
Yeah - that's how I have it configured at the moment.  I would just like to
be able to say that in the event of a drive failure there would be as 
little downtime as possible.  Basically just enough time to swap the 
drives... :)

Trouble is, the one drive on a conventional disk controller failing 
would make the system unbootable in that instance.  Bad.

