[Wolves] RE: Pipex

Tom Edwards wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Sep 13 12:59:00 2002

On Friday 13 September 2002 12:31 pm, Warwick, Matthew P. wrote:
> Jayne,
> Hmm, thats odd.
> I never had an engineer turn up to my house, pipex just sent me my mode=
> and I waited for my line to become activated, and wham, I was on DSL.
> And how much do you pay for this "Anytime" connection?
> Matt

Signal strength has to be tested (can be done automatically) however does=
limited attenuation in the line. I believe the fequencies of the carrier =
used by ADSL are higher than probably the original minimum requirements o=
telephone lines. i.e above 22kHz. So if the cable is "dodgey" then the si=
drops of dramatically and, well, bye bye, connection. Then again it has b=
a long time since I looked up the theory... carrier waves? is that right?=
Hang on let me check.
