[Wolves] /me waves byeee
Jono Bacon
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Sep 14 03:12:01 2002
Hi Helen,
Let me be the first to wish you all the best at Uni. I
remember too those early days of the LUG, and without
you fizzy and lee this LUG would have never taken off.
It's been fun having you as part of our little LUG,
and I am pleased that you will be coming back to see
us in the future.
I won't be there on Wednesday as I am jetting off to
Florida, so I will give you a virtual hug
instead...carefull of the beard...ahhh there we go. :)
Take care and I hope to see you soon. :)
--- Helena <pinkteapot98@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Heya,
> I just wanted to say byeee and stuff. I
> wont be able to make
> it to the meeting i dont think due to been on
> holiday and not gettin
> back till about 8ish and then I have to travel down
> to Oxford first
> thing on the thurday to find somewhere to live.
> Anyway I wont be able to come to the lug untill im
> back home for Xmas,
> but rest assured i will be back. Im going to live +
> studing in oxford at
> brookes uni, doing music and computing. I belive
> there is an oxford lug,
> tho ill prolly b too much of a wimp to go and it
> would never be as much
> fun as wolves lug, and im sure we would beat them in
> a drinking
> competition. Ill miss you guys, ive had lots of fun
> over the past 2/3
> years, i think it was 1999 when there was just me,
> fizz, jono and Lee
> huddled round a table considdering weather or not to
> bother carrying on
> with the meetings due to low attendance. Its great
> to see the lug
> getting bigger all the time. :)
> Ohhh a request, can someone transcribe Aq's jokes
> from each meeting and
> post them to the list, i dont think i could live
> without them, maybee i
> could tell them at the Oxford lug and shock them all
> :).
> Take care anyway and ill catch you all soon
> Helen
> xxxxx
> p.s you can catch what im upto @
> www.livejournal.com/users/pinkoi if
> your interested
> p.p.s ill try and show my face on wednesday if atall
> possible
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Jono Bacon - [vmlinuz] - jonoATkdeDOTorg
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