[Wolves] Wireless Networking

Matthew Keay wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Sep 18 13:13:00 2002

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Wayne Morris wrote:

> On Wednesday 18 September 2002 12:56 pm, you wrote:
> > > Talking of wireless networking, I've seen range of 100m quoted, is th=
> > > standard for all makes of equipment?
> > > And is this a absolute maximum, or is in practice is the range much
> > > greater and the 100m just a 'guaranteed' to cover themselves?
> > > What about the building materials that the signal has to pass thru?
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm getting 1Mb broadband in 10 days, and I have a friend who lives 1=
> > > from me who I could sell bandwidth to - but I don't want to buy the
> > > hardware if it is unlikely to work that far.
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > >
> > > Wayne
> >
> > This should definately be feasable without additional kit, esp if you h=
> > line of sight. If not - a cheap omnidirectional antenna 10-20 quid from
> > solwise.co.uk iirc and you're away.
> >
> > Matthew
> >
> Excellent, could be a good investment - =A340 per month for broadband, I =
> be in profit with 4 subscribers at =A313.99 per month (broadband for free=
> prices!)
> There is at least one other internet user within a few house of me, must
> start meeting the neighbours!
> Mmm, just thought of a danger in this sort of network - what if one of yo=
> subscribers/friends was to download 'dubious material'; any logs at the
> provider would reflect you as the recipient - so I guess saving of logfil=
> would be essential - if there is a logfile for info gatewayed thru your
> machine.?
> Then you would have to prove the IP address was the other person.
> There could be some interesting cases if this sort of this takes off.
> Wayne

This is where things like www.nocat.net and www.dansguardian.org come in
useful. You can provide free/slow restricted web access to guests, faster
but still restricted access (ie, web/mail) to other users and then
unrestricted prioritised access for yourself.

Consider a consume.net style setup where you dont charge for access and
help in the "community spirit". Esp' if theres another node near you -
great for email away from home! hehe.
