[Wolves] Beginners distro...

fizzy wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Sep 27 19:18:00 2002

Please try not to turn this mail into a distro war :)

My girlfriend has decided to show an interest in linux
(the first i knew about it was when she bought a copy
of 'linux for dummies' :) ) and it has fallen to me to
select a distro.  

What does everyone recon? I am thinking either
mandrake, which lots of people start on i believe, or
throwing her in at the deep end with debian - but that
could well scare her off!

I am in the lucky situation of being able to install
this on a dell machine! So, you would hope the
hardware would be pretty well supported and generic
and yummy.

She will be using the machine for basic word
processing, art stuff (gimp etc) and general messing
about (same game, tux racer :) )

If mandrake is the distro of choice, does it do an
install off the net? I have no way of burning cds at

I would love to chat about this at the LUG but sadly
the only thing i have planned this month clashes with
the LUG so i won't be there this week :(


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