[Wolves] : Debian Sound
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Sep 28 17:14:00 2002
Lee Jordan spoo'd forth:
> Setting up alsa-base (0.9.0rc3-0.1) ...
> Starting ALSA sound driver (version none):modprobe: Can't locate module
> snd
> failed.
Did you get the appropriate alsa-modules packages and put it in
/usr/src/modules to be compiled when you compile the new kernel?
Just point your web browser at http://www.python.org/search/ and look
for "program", "doesn't", "work", or "my". Whenever you find someone
else whose program didn't work, don't do what they did. Repeat as
needed. -- Tim Peters, on python-help, 16 Jun 1998