[Wolves] help... my desktop has left me......

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Apr 2 08:49:00 2003

leo sandhu spoo'd forth:
> Ok guys,
> I have looked in ~/.gnome-desktop and while I fail to recall its previous 
> content it does look a bit sparse of anything looking like a deskptop icon.
> Also the command gmc at prompt returns the following message:
> Gtk WARNING **: cannot run display
> As it looks like something (or one) has caused ~/.gnome-desktop to wipe, how 
> could I reinstate it and maybe prevent re-occurances?

Ready for this?

Restore from a backup.



Now get up and take a rip off my magic bong so that we can show
you the meaning of Xmas!
           -- Father Christmas, http://flemcomics.com/341.htm