[Wolves] A2RT Networked Computers

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Apr 18 16:07:00 2003

Si Griffiths spoo'd forth:
> What with all the ancient hardware and peripherals that we often get i also 
> think Aq's idea to take advantage of the Knoppix installer could well be 
> worthwhile

http://gnubox.dyndns.org:8080/~sunil/knoppix.php describes how to remaster a 
new Knoppix CD. With a2rt's ancient hardware, I'm inclined to suggest that we 
remove kde3 completely and instead go for something less intensive: 
personally, I'd suggest ROX-Filer on top of sawfish because it's a very usable 
but low-pressure environment. Would anyone like to try building a CD?


"Last week, I arrived in Sunnydale. Or perhaps it was the week before,
I don't know."
           -- Buffy, as written by Albert Camus
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