[Wolves] I'm back!

wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Aug 9 14:40:00 2003

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Si Griffiths wrote:

> > In difference, it seems, to pretty much everyone else here, I'm not
> > going to be a hypocrite and I'm just going to suffice by saying...
> >
> > Welcome back, Goththing.
> I'm with Dan on this one. I remember Goththing coming to his first lug meeting
> (where he actually got in the pub) on the same night that me & steve came to
> our meeting - and he seemed to me to be a sound lad (no matter what his
> misdemeanors) - so yeah alex a big warm welcome back from the brummie crew :D
> In addition to this all the talk that's been goin on today about morality and
> the law is completely misplaced - the law is there to maintain the status quo
> - in short to keep the rich & powerful (these days those in the corporate
> world) where they are ie rich & powerful. Morality & the law have nothing
> whatsoever to do with each other. The idea that the two are connected is a
> mendacious lie put about by those in power. If you believe this propaganda
> well . . .
> On top of this it might be worth pointing out that the public lose more money
> to corporate tax evasion (something like a third, yes a third, of all
> corporate tax goes unpaid - which is obviously billions, that in a saner
> world could be put into stuff like say schools, hospitals, maybe even a
> transport infrastructure), so to moan about how 'script kiddies' are doing
> you out of your hard earned dollar, is again somewhat missing the point . . .
> *end rant*


> Vinnie
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