[Wolves] smoothwall

fizzy wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Aug 21 12:02:01 2003

 --- Old Dan <dan@dannyboy.dnsalias.org> wrote: > 
> So you're saying that you're going to assign two
> addresses to the same 
> interface?  (In the eth0:0 sense?)

yup, eth0 and eth0:1 - and bugger if it doesn't!

> I doubt that would work on smoothwall, personally. 
> It's also a bit of a 
> dodgy idea TBH because it would mean that the
> internet connection and 
> the internal network would be on the same physical
> interface.
> Hang on a minute, isn't it *you* who are supposed to
> say things like 
> that?  :)

Yeah, Ron says that to me too :) All the machines on
my internal network are secure enough to be directly
facing the external internet, there is no traffic
between them internally so i'm not fussed.


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