[Wolves] 54G wireless networking & linux

Adam Sweet wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Aug 31 14:00:01 2003

 --- Jono Bacon <jonobacon@yahoo.com> wrote: > --- Rob
Smith <robertlists@rob-smith.org.uk> wrote:
> > can anyone suggest a linux compatible 54g card for
> > pcmcia/cardbus??
> Well, I got the Belkin 54g access point, but I got
> the
> 11MB pcmcia card - this was due to the fact that I
> knew a driver was available at the time. This may
> have
> obviously changed, and there may be a driver
> available
> - the driver the 11MB card may work also.

I have the same access point and also a Belkin 7010
54g pcmcia card which there still doesn't appear to be
a driver for.

The 11MB card is supported but 54g support appears to
be slow in coming forward. I bought mine because I saw
support for Belkin cards and assumed support for my
card would be forthcoming but I'm still waiting.

The Linux PCMCIA site is at
http://pcmcia-cs.sourceforge.net/ the suported cards
list contains a wireless section and is your best
advisory source.

A search on Google for linux pcmcia 54g suggests that
the 54g spec is not yet suported but also produces
as the 5th result. Good grief, is there anywhere safe
from this man? ;)

Seems that patience is a virtue when awaiting 54g




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