[Wolves] My Beowulf Project is now on line ;)
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Feb 25 15:52:02 2003
25/02/2003 15:22:52, "s parkes" <stephenparkes1972@hotmail.com> wrote:
>Space isn't the problem, running 20 486s sucks a lot of juice and will
>create a fair dollup of heat just to get the same performance as your laptop
We could make them exercise bike powered? and then use them to heat some food or something ;-)
>besides if we are going to create a cluster lets get it doing something
>different and be first to do something instead of just running the software
>that someone else has been working on.
anyone seen the film Pi?
>work in progress (tell all soon)
ohh - you tease!