[Wolves] Postering Campaign

Jono Bacon wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 14:47:00 2003

--- steve parkes <stephenparkes1972@hotmail.com>
> I've been working on a parady of a haynes manual for
> the postering campain 
> and microsoft as mc donalds unless anyone thinks
> thats a little political 
> ;-)

This sounds cool. If it is political, so what! I doubt
we will have any trouble.

> the haynes manual might be done for tomorrow for
> everyone to take a look at 
> but then again the college has got a big government
> inspection next week so 
> I should be writing lesson plans

This would be cool. If you have some ready fairly soon
I will stick them on the website so we can all print
them out and distribute them.

I think we should try and really promote the website
also - I think our new site has the potential to be a
really usefull local resource for Linux folk.


Jono Bacon - http://jono.dyndns.org/
KDE Developer - Freelancer - Musician

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