[Wolves] deathmatch doom

Ron Wellsted wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jan 23 20:48:01 2003

On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:18 pm, Jono Bacon wrote:
> --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org> wrote:
> > When would be a good time to do it? Evenings,
> > obviously: I can't do
> > Thursdays (Buffy is on!) and I can't do every
> > alternate Wednesday ;-) I
> > think a weekday would be best...
> Daytime is fine for me and some evenings.
> I have spend a while getting prboom going and it keeps
> bombing out when I try to run it saying it cant find
> the file. I got the doom1.6 wad from
> ftp://ftp.gamers.org/pub/games/idgames/idstuff/doom/
> and unzipped it to /usr/share/games/doom/. I then ran
> it with:
>   prboom -iwad /usr/share/games/doom/doom-1.8.wad
> I get the following:
> Z_Init : Allocated 16256Kb zone memory
>  found /usr/share/games/doom/doom-1.8.wad
> IWAD found: /usr/share/games/doom/doom-1.8.wad
> PrBoom (built Oct 30 2002), playing: DOOM Shareware
> PrBoom is released under the GNU General Public
> license v2.0.
> You are welcome to redistribute it under certain
> conditions.
> It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file
> COPYING for details.
> M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
>  default file: /home/jono/.prboom//glboom.cfg
> I_SetRes: Using resolution 640x480
> V_Init: allocate screens.
>  found /usr/share/games/doom/prboom.wad
> D_InitNetGame: Checking for network game.
> W_Init: Init WADfiles.
>  adding /usr/share/games/doom/doom-1.8.wad
> W_AddFile: couldn't open
> /usr/share/games/doom/doom-1.8
> Any ideas?
>   Jono

Just try "prboom" on it's own, or try "prboom -net wellsted.dyndns.org"

OK, I have a single player deathmatch (is this an oxymoron?) prboom server 
setup and running at wellsted.dyndns.org on port 5030.  Give it a try (it has 
the shareware wad file)  If I have the port forwarding right on the firewall 
etc. it should work.

Try it and email me, I will fire up with more users if requested (and an 
appointment made as it blocks waiting for the required number of players to 
join.  (get practicing for paintball now!)

If it fails to work, let me know.

Ron Wellsted