[Wolves] Anyone Need A Job?
Jon Farmer
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jul 22 10:03:01 2003
-----Original Message-----
From: wolves-admin@mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:wolves-admin@mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Jono Bacon
Sent: 21 July 2003 15:54
To: wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Wolves] Anyone Need A Job?
>Hi Jon,
>I would love to get involved, but I am just about to
>sign up some work until christmas. I will let you know
>if this goes pear shaped and I need a job. ;)
Ok for Jono and anyone else interested. The address to send CV's to is
Mr D Webster
Secure Web Services Ltd
Countrywide Court
24 Church Street
Wellington, Telford
Shropshire. TF1 1DG
I have spoken to the guy and he doesn't need anyone immediately
he is waiting for a new contract to start and requires a sys admin then.
Probable time frame is 2-3 months before someone is required.
I wont go into what the contract is but its quite innovative and exciting
and deals in a specific industry. Also the contract is to provide services
required by new legislation and this company is the only one in the UK
able to offer this service.
If you dont drive the company is based 5 mins walk from
Wellington train station.
Take a look at www.securewebservices.co.uk for more information.
Good Luck
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