[Wolves] Bloke vs. Bloke: graphics engines: some initial thoughts

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Mar 29 08:07:00 2003

Aquarius spoo'd forth:
> Pete, how did your examination of the old Spy vs Spy go?

Oh, and:
py vs. Spy 3D is supposed to be a nice multiplayer 3D version of the good old game Spy vs. Spy as seen on the C64 and Amiga 15 years ago. The goal is to provide a game that supports team and deathmatch games. We need more developers. Please join us!

    * Programming Language: C++
    * Operating System: FreeBSD, Linux
    * License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
    * Version:
    * Development Status: 1 - Planning

Planning. What a shock. ;)


from string import *;import re,base64;w=base64.decodestring('YXF1YXJp'+
'dXNAa3J5b2dlbml4Lm9yZw==');u='['+lowercase+']';print re.sub(u,'-',w)
while filter(lambda x: x in u,w): s=raw_input('Letter:');u=filter\
(lambda x: x != s,u);print re.sub(u,'-',w)