[Wolves] Lug membership (was Wolves] ircd (was: Wireless and
Matthew Revell
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue May 6 13:11:01 2003
Hooray - finally I belong to something other than the RAC :)
Hmm ... insult nearneighbours - I hear the South Birmingham LUG is run
by girls. That sort of thing?
As for soapy frogs, that's my idea of a relaxing evening ... the soapier
the better tho'.
On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 13:01, s parkes wrote:
> >From: Matthew Revell <matthew@understated.co.uk>
> >Reply-To: wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk
> >To: wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk
> >Subject: [Wolves] Lug membership (was Wolves] ircd (was: Wireless and
> >Linux))
> >Date: 06 May 2003 12:53:43 +0100
> >
> >What makes someone a Lug member and how does a member contribute to the
> >Lug's resources? Oh, and what existing resources are there?
> >
> Matt, your a member ;-)
> just contribute to the list, come to the odd meeting and insult our
> nearneighbours once a fortnight and you are in.
> oh and you didn't get around to the bucket of soapy frogs last week so all
> being well and good the frogs can attend next week to make up for the lack
> of formalities.
> sparkes
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