[Wolves] Promoting Linux
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun May 11 21:55:00 2003
> > Basic example - man, someone needs to make an
> > english version of that.
> What's that?
man is a command line tool, that is meant to explain
what something does, it's short for manual i believe.
Try 'man startx' as an example. However, instead of
being a simple easy to understand document telling
people what a program is and what you generally do
with it, man pages tend to ramble on about utter
rubbish and leave you more confused then when you went
to the man page in the first place!
> > Personally i feel we should be pushing linux for
> > smoothwall gateway purposes, why spend £200 on a
> > linksys gateway when you can get a smoothwall box
> for
> > free? Once people are aware of linux in such
> devices
> > it will help with the eventual push for the
> desktop.
> Cool, let's prepare some educational material on it.
> At the very least,
> it'd help us to understand the arguments in our own
> minds.
> I reckon that if we really debate it all in here, we
> could come up with
> a good set of reasons for and against Linux, along
> with ways in which we
> can promote it.
Hey, an anti-apathetic lug member, we need this :)
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