[Wolves] Promoting Linux
Matthew Revell
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun May 11 21:39:01 2003
On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 13:35, fizzy wrote:
> I would refer you to the talk that Daniel someone (aq
> will say who) gave on the short comings of linux/unix
> at HAL.
You got that Aq?
> Basic example - man, someone needs to make an
> english version of that.
What's that?
> Bambam would argue that what
> needs to happen is for us to write a new operating
> system from scratch, i would disagree but hey...
Whatever happens OS wise in the future, Linux is the best alternative we
have at the moment. Was BeOS any good, anyone?
> Personally i feel we should be pushing linux for
> smoothwall gateway purposes, why spend £200 on a
> linksys gateway when you can get a smoothwall box for
> free? Once people are aware of linux in such devices
> it will help with the eventual push for the desktop.
Cool, let's prepare some educational material on it. At the very least,
it'd help us to understand the arguments in our own minds.
I reckon that if we really debate it all in here, we could come up with
a good set of reasons for and against Linux, along with ways in which we
can promote it.