[Wolves] Games consoles
Jayne Heger
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon May 12 16:05:01 2003
On Monday 12 May 2003 10:31 am, Jono Bacon wrote:
> --- Matthew Revell <matthew@understated.co.uk> wrote:
> > Now that games and Linux are kinda mentioned in the
> > same breath here,
> > can anyone recommend any good Linux games?
> Linux games are shite to be honest. They are neither
> fun nor exciting and the pinnicle is pretty much
> BZFlag which still sucks balls to an extent. When you
> have a PS2 or GamePube, you will find that Linux games
> are cack.
Depends on what games you like, I have Heroes of Might and Magic III,
Civilsation Cult to Power, Alpha Centauri, Unreal Tornament all for Linux and
they are one some of my favourite games!
I wish someonme would do a Fallout port to Linux now, as that IS my favourite
game of all time ;)
Even the base games you get with Linux systems are cool, like the old arcade
games, reeally addictive, I wwas playing Bubbles and Fouleggs for ages last
night ;)