[Wolves] Games consoles
Jono Bacon
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon May 12 16:16:01 2003
--- Matt Wright <matt@consultmatt.co.uk> wrote:
> Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. Both of these games
> have Linux ports that use
> the orignal game data with native linux code to run
> them. The only major
> downside is that they're not open source but we
> can't really expect people like
> iD to give away their games can we??
But thats it...and FPS get dull quickly in my view. I
would like some original games for Linux...and some of
the story led games such as Max Payne.
The problem for me is that I want to stick the game in
the machine and it run perfectly. Linux requires too
much fiddling...fiddling that I enjoy for sysadmin
stuff, but not when I wanna play games.
Consoles do it for me...quick, easy, good hardware and
good games. Say no more. :D
PS - Nethack still sucks.
Jono Bacon - http://jono.dyndns.org/
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