[Wolves] Promoting Linux
Jono Bacon
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue May 13 15:06:01 2003
--- Matthew Revell <matthew@understated.co.uk> wrote:
> Perhaps I just got caught up in being pissed off at
> RedHat not being
> able to handle either my soundcard, video or wlan
> properly. Every other
> experience I've had of Linux has been that it's been
> much easier to
> install new hardware as Linux recognises it and
> doesn't require that I
> go get a driver for god knows where.
I find Linux is a bitch with hardware in general...but
this is an area that is improving all the time.
> :-) We're not gonna stop non-powerusers wanting to
> use computers. I'm
> always surprised by how quickly people adapt to
> fairly complex computer
> based tasks, if only they're given the chance. Of
> course, there'll
> always be those who are completely inept with
> computers, just as I doubt
> I'll ever be any good at cricket.
There will always be newbies...and Linux *may* be
right for them. Linux is an evolutionary socialist
OS...theoretically anything is possible. Things are
getting better each day and when Linux is in schools
and kids are familier with it...things will then start
to skyrocket.
> Excellent, so we've justified our existence :) It IS
> our job to educate
> on Linux. That's one of the reasons I wrote my
> original post: to see if
> we _should_ be hoping to promote Linux.
I agree. I think the thing is that Linux is a
culturally blended system - just look at other LUGs ;)
- their culture is formaility...ours is certainly
informal. I think we have the right blend of people to
make real differences with Linux in peoples life.
Sparkes was planning on doing a community based
project with Linux (similar to A2RT), and if that gets
started I think we have real potential to reach
another side to this is still providing a nice easy
atmosphere at a LUG. Anyone can join Wolves LUG and
jsut show up and have a beer with us...some will not
want to do advocacy...some will...but I think we
should find those who do want to do something and get
things moving.
We need someone to coordinate things like this and I
suspect Matt would be the right guy. :)
> Fair enough. I think the people we should be hoping
> to "convert" as
> those who already tinker and are already interested
> in something more.
> At the very least we should have a poster in all the
> local libraries and
> other such places.
I have some posters printed...I will bring them on
Wed. They are the ones Sparkes did.
> It was also intertia on my part, tho'. I agree that
> we should be
> presenting a friendly face and at the very least be
> doing minor PR work.
> For example, our great local newspaper is often
> desperate enough for
> news stories that they'd gladly print a short
> paragraph saying that
> we're having a meeting and where to find us. Also,
> if we put on an event
> of some kind, or did something like help convert a
> local doctor to
> Linux, or whatever, they'd print a half page or so
> on us, if we were
> wiley enough about it. For example, in a job I had a
> couple of years
> ago, I got the Express and Star to print a half page
> on steel computer
> security cages. Bloody boring as hell! So, if we
> make it sexy enough,
> we'll get in the paper.
Agreed. We need to get peoples attention...I would
happily promote Wolves LUG as being the Jackass of the
Linux world...but this will need lots of shopping
trolleys and office chairs. Seriously though...I think
we should aim to get a real reputation in and out of
the Linux world for being activits who have a sense of
humour - this is where ideas such as abseiling down
the mander center dressed as penguins came from.
> I mean ... Lug Radio could be just that!
Spot on. :D
> > jono, didn't you do this down south?
> Jono?
Yep I certainly did.
> I'm bored and unemployed :)
I am just about to be.
Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Web Developer - Musician - Writer - Freelancer
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