[Wolves] Promoting Linux (in schools)
Chris Procter
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed May 14 11:16:01 2003
I'm not sure of the form for cross posting someone elses post between =
but here goes :-)
There is a small discussion about Linux in schools going on on the =
Lug mailing list (brought on by a school disposing of pentiumII =
because they wouldn't run Windows 2000)
Bernard Giltrap said:-
This is where "parent power" might help. It is not necessary to mention
Linux but some questions?
Is your school lacking in resources, Can recruit necessary teachers
It might be worth mentioning to other parents that the school could =
=A3=A3=A3 by making better choices over IT.
In regard the School itself , speak to the head and point them to
or better yet print it out.
I'm sure there are enough experts here that would be willing to help
schools get familiar with linux, failing that invite them to the next
big meeting.
The final points:=20
1.It is that its tax payers money being used - As a business and
individual I'm not particularly happy when the public sector pays for
stuff that can be done for cheaper & better!
2. All schools and colleges should have at least one member of staff
that is fully competent in IT i.e keeps up to date and aware of Linux
and Mac OS-X for that matter.
Seems to me a good place to start in advocacy, espeacially the bit =
"Parent Power" it gives you a way into see the head/decision makers and =
obvious grievance about wasted money in the school. So get breeding, =
Linux Revolution demands it!! ;-)
Maybe also an opportunity for a bit of cross lug co-operation...
-----Original Message-----
From: Si Griffiths [mailto:info@a2rt.org]
Sent: 13 May 2003 22:33
To: wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Wolves] Promoting Linux
On Tuesday 13 May 2003 7:21 pm, AlexG wrote:
> Setting up a
> network with Linux at an innercity school, from donated/discarded =
> would get Linux the kind of publicity you want. Free hardware and No
> licencing worries!
very much the sort of thing we'd like to do in the future me thinks & =
someone was saying (was it Jono? or Matt?) once all them kids get =
bitten &=20
start developing stuff for linux then the whole thing'll be raised to
> Also the MS Schools licence is beeing examined by the Office of Fair
> Trading. A you need a windows licence for every machine (even if it =
is not
> running windows, yes you need a windows licence for the Mac in the =
> office, yes it has OS X on).
Beginning to sound like the fuckin TV license, give em a few years an
have Microsoft detector vans patrolling down your road, then they'll be =
running billboard campaigns with the likes of 'Mr Sparkes of 84 Blah =
Road has persistently failed to purchase a Microsoft license despite =
that he owns two computers' & before you know it they'll have the likes =
up in court incredulous at the suggestion that we can use our computers =
purposes, and with means, other than those deemed suitable by Microsoft =
. .
. . . where will it end???
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