[Wolves] X failure on Debian (long one...)
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri May 23 16:24:01 2003
Adam Sweet spoo'd forth:
>> ATI do seem to provide drivers for the 9500 for
>> XFree86
> I did look at those and meant to mention them in my
> mail, but forgot. I notice they're RPMs. However,
> failing any other solution it's a case of any port in
> a storm, should I install them using Alien?
Oh, I didn't realise that. Using alien is a bit lairy, and using alien for
something as fundamental as X drivers is very lairy, especially given that
Debian's X installation diverges from theXFree86.org installation a bit. I
wouldn't recommend it, tbh. Sorry...
>> Heard a lot about eggnog, but I have never experienced it
>>first-hand. What is this thing made off?
> Isn't it obvious? Eggs and nog, of course.
Don't pay any attention to him, Sid. It's eggs, *sugar*, and nog.
-- Jason <jbeasley@primary.net> on rec.humor.oracle.d