[Wolves] Wiki
Matthew Revell
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed May 28 11:06:00 2003
Howdy Jono,
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 10:48, Jono Bacon wrote:
> I think if you want to create an authorotive document,
> a Wiki is a bad idea. Remember hat *anyone* can edit
> it and hence remove edits and delete it. You can
> always reinstall from a backup, but that can be a
> pain.
Yeah but to me that's just part of the ideology of wikis. I reckon that
because they offer a quick and easy way of creating inter-related
hypertext documents, they can be useful for creating and maintaining a
top-down published document. If they make it easy for lots of people to
create a document, they make it easy for one or a select few to create a
> Some Wiki's have functionality to limit who can make
> edits, but then that kinda ruins the whole idea I
> think.
Yeah but that's just one application of a wiki. I may, one day, have a
use for that sort of wiki. I don't see why, tho', I should limit my use
of a piece of software because it doesn't fit the political aims of the
people behind it.
> Just some comments. :)
Yeah, I think it's a really interesting thing to look at. I'll happily
buy into the politics of open source because it's central to its success
and I happen to believe in it. The politics of wiki aren't so important
on a world scale, tho' and so long as I don't break any licences, why
should I limit myself because of someone else's free love views on
editorial control? :-)
> --- Matthew Revell <matt@understated.co.uk> wrote:
> > On Tue, 27 May 2003 20:41:20 +0100, Aquarius
> > <aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Matthew Revell spoo'd forth:
> > >> I think I was put off by MoinMoin's lack of
> > security. I know the whole
> > >> Wiki ethos is one of allowing anyone to edit a
> > page etc. but that's not
> > >> appropriate for what I'm doing.
> > >
> > > Really? Why? Ignore the fact that someone could
> > *conceptually* edit your
> > > pages; will anyone do so? We've got a web phone
> > list at work, which I
> > > built, and anyone can edit anyone else's details.
> > No-one does so, though,
> > > and there are therefore no security hoops to jump
> > through to edit your
> > > own. It's a whole new world of trust and peace.
> >
> > A closed off environment, like a workplace, is
> > different to public website,
> > tho'. I suppose the eejits that hack sites often do
> > it for the challenge
> > but surely there's enough eejits out there who don't
> > care about the
> > challenge. I mean, the type of people who break into
> > other people's houses
> > just to trash 'em up don't do it for a challenge.
> >
> > I want the wiki for a style guide, which is an
> > authoratitive document. If
> > it can be compromised, its useless.
> >
> > I think that open wikis are a great idea for a lot
> > of situations ... I just
> > don't want to have to buy into a whole ideology just
> > to use a piece of
> > software :)
> >
> > Matt.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
> Web Developer - Musician - Writer - Freelancer
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