[Wolves] Smoothwall and wireless

Jono Bacon jonobacon at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 5 00:29:59 BST 2003

Hi guys,

> You are correct, Smoothie does not support WLAN
> cards (yet, this may be in 
> V2.0 when it eventually gets released).

I was looking to do the same thing and set up a
machine as an Access Point. Smoothie does have support
for *some* wireless cards, but that is mainly a
coincidence apparently as support was not really
intended and it is just that some drivers seem to work
with wireless cards.

As Ron said, v2.0 apparently will be better, but I
still think the range of support is quite limited as
there are relatively few Linux WLAN drivers.

Why not get an Access Point?


Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Professional Writer / Web Developer / Musician

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