[Wolves] The rimming of Peter Oliver continues...

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Sep 23 12:58:01 2003

Chris Procter spoo'd forth:
> Looks quite cool, not doing SSIs is a major problem however. I guess you
> could expand them by hand or run the code through some form of macro
> expander (m4 perhaps or its a fairly trivial awk script). Does it support
> server.execute? You can get round using SSIs with server.execute but you
> have to be carefull because it has scoping "issues" (basically the code
> executed does not pass back values to the calling code unless you use
> session variables etc).
> There must be a mod_SSI for apache, I wonder how easy it would be to
> include... 

You can't have something parsed by two modules, though, which is the
problem; mod_asp can be the handler for .asp files, but you can't have
them handled by mod_include (which is what does SSI) and *then*
mod_asp. You can in Apache 2.x, but mod_asp isn't in OpenSA 2.x.

Server.Execute is not supported (since mod_asp was written in IIS 4.0
days): see
http://www.mail-archive.com/opensa-users@opensa.org/msg00536.html for


In 1988 there was the war, and after that there were no more roses. Not
for anybody.
	   -- "V For Vendetta", Alan Moore