[Wolves] CCTV and Linux

Wayne Morris wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Sep 23 13:55:01 2003

Hows this for an example of unexpected superiority of Linux :

Put a old hauppauge tv cap card into an XP computer - cue an hour of
finding drivers, followed by trying to get a piece one of several webcam
software packages working correctly to save images as I wanted.
Pah, gave up after 6 hours.

Bunged the card in my RH8 webserver and 2 minutes later I'm watching
live images using XAWTV. 1 minute later I find STREAMER which is bundled
with XAWTV and I'm saving timelapse photos or videos directly into the
correct web directory. Excellent!

(http://www.machx.co.uk/40gbdrive/secpic/ for anyone who wants to check
out the quality of the day/night external pictures supplied by the
colour plus infra red camera quoted below)

My question is that I only seem to be able to run XAWTV or STREAMER
independently, I guess this is right as only one can have access to the
capture card - unless someone can supply a workaround.
I obv want to save images for record, but live images are better for
checking the current view than an image saved even 2 seconds ago.

Thinking of which, anyone got a php script for display of the latest
image as a page?



The camera btw is here:
Infra red diodes for b/w night time viewing
Fixed focus

£129 incl vat