[Wolves] Linux and Exchange / Outlook

Katherine Goodwin kat at codepoets.co.uk
Wed Apr 28 09:32:22 BST 2004

Dear all,

After various things to do with shared calendaring coming up on our
wishlist at work, and after discussions with a few people at the Expo
(Hello Ron *wave*), including some customers of ours, it seems that one
of the things that prevents some people in businesses from feeling that
they can try to convince people to move to Linux is the lack of the
shared calendaring bit of outlook and exchange.

I've done a bit of reading into what is available here, and I'd like to
try out some of the alternatives so that I can evaluate them for
customers, but my biggest problem is that I'm not sure exactly what
outlook does in this respect!

So, does anyone or has anyone used the calendaring stuff in
outlook/exchange?  If so, what features do you use and find the most

If anyone has this sort of feedback, my aim is to eventually put
together a document evaluating the alternatives to outlook, and if
nothing does quite what people use in outlook, to compile a list of
features that I think are missing - I think it would be useful not only
for my work but for anyone who is trying to convince people in an office
environment to move over to linux.

Anyway, enough of a rant for the moment!



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