[Wolves] List Stats
Sean Spencer
sean.spencer at nowrecruitment.com
Mon Aug 23 17:50:53 BST 2004
My sincere apologies for the cockup this morning. I completely forgot about
the wolves lug list as I had blocked messages going to a couple of other
lists I had.
The message was going direct from my mail server rather than a client.
Once again, I apologise.
As for the flame comments about me being not much of an i.t. Manager, I
find that quite hilarious to be honest.
Kick me off the list too ? Oh dear. If you guys feel that is needed, then
go for it. It was an oversight - not a crime.
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...... Original Message .......
On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:01:49 +0100 "sparkes" <sparkes at westmids.biz> wrote:
>Old Dan wrote:
>> Peter Cannon wrote:
>>> On Monday 23 Aug 2004 09:24, The wise and knowledgeable sparkes
>>> proclaimed:
>>>> He's going to get in touch with sean or jamie and make sure it stops
>>>> asap before now look even more silly.
>>> Theres a lesson to be learnt here: Don't use your work mail client
>>> for accessing this list or at least use an alternate mail client so
>>> that you can keep social and business apart.
>> I think there's another lesson to be learnt here: Appoint another
>> list admin when the one you have is away. (I take it Jono is on
>> holiday or something, right?)
>according to Jono the lug.org.uk admin only allows one person to be
>lugmaster and have access to anything list this. A lot of a pisser as
>this sort of stuff always happens when he's away.
>We should have 6 or more admins on this list as there are enough people
>who have earnt a level of trust over the last few years not to piss
>about with the power
>> This bloke needs to be kicked off the list or at the very least
>> downgraded to web-only access or something. It looks like we're going
>> to have another week of this crap otherwise.
>you can suspend members.
>He is back in the office tomorrow so expect red faces. Expecially as I
>told a member of the staff he couldn't be much of an IT manager if he
>made this mistake when I was asking to speak to whoever was in charge of
>the office today. Strangly I still managed to get to an accounts admin
>before she put me onto the commercial director. He must be a BOFH type
>as the women I first spoke too thought he answered to nobody ;-)
>> Thank heaven for my killfile.
>and mine
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>Wolves LUG mailing list
>Homepage: http://www.wolveslug.org.uk/
>Mailing list: Wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
>Mailing list home: http://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/wolves
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