[Wolves] Where does MyDoom come from?

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 5 13:46:36 GMT 2004

 --- Matthew Revell <wolveslug at understated.co.uk>

> Is there any evidence I can
> send to Stephen 
> Evans? Okay, it's not going to make any difference,
> but if he's going to 
> take the easy route of assuming members of the Linux
> community are 
> behind MyDoom, then I'd like to give him some
> reading material so that, 
> in the future, he can be better informed.

I dunno about hard evidence, but you could point him
at http://www.groklaw.net which appears to be the
Linux news HQ of the SCO scenario and perhaps
http://www.opensource.org/halloween/halloween9.php the
9th Halloween Document entitled 'It ain't necessarily
SCO'. You might also wish to draw his attention to the
fact that the Linux community is an environment of
co-operation, not one of destructive political
militancy, that there are theories that SCO is trying
to elicit public sympathy from the effects of the
MyDoom virus.

Remind him that SCO have yet to provide evidence that
any area of the kernel infringes it IP. The only code
sample produced (under duress) was traced to part of
Donald Knuth's Art of Computer Programming which does
not fall under SCO's IP, nor did it appear in the
Linux kernel and I think if I'm not wrong was in
public domain. At least this is true if my memory is
correct and my facts aren't now outdated.

You could also ask him to consider the wider issues
surrounding the story, in the same sense that he might
assume that the war on Iraq/terror was in a bid to
liberate the people of Iraq and ensure public safety
rather than to ensure safe passage of the oil pipeline
being constructed to stretch from Afghanistan to
Turkey without rogue elements (ie non US supporters)
interfering and to put blanket publicity patches over
bad US foreign policy, however, he might not like that
bit too much.

While I was in Bulgaria, CNN reported that SCO was
"under attack from MyDoom as a result of it being
unpopular with supporters of the Linux community for
trying to enforce copyright over it's area of the
Linux kernel". That really pissed me off, "It's area
of the Linux kernel."

I might try cobble something together myself if I get
5 minutes to breathe. Do you have a link?

Ok rant over, don't know where all that came from.

Ad - out of breath.



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