[Wolves] Picture link

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Tue Feb 17 15:48:31 GMT 2004

Matthew Revell wrote:
> Peter Cannon wrote:
>> I created the site myself I was proud of it, my one redeeming success,
>> but you have now killed all the joy in my life and I am writing this
>> from the top floor of Cannock multi story car park "my blood is on your
>> conscience" good by cruel world!  
> Well, you gave it a go, that's the important thing, I reckon ... so long 
> as you build on it. It takes a while, but it's fairly easy to learn all 
> the tips and tricks, once you're in the swing of it. A good place to 
> look is http://www.w3schools.com/
> I think the main to remember is that your message is the most important 
> thing. So, if people can read you message and get around the site easily 
> enough, then the main part of the job is done. I would say that, tho', 
> as I'm a writer :)
> I'd advise against using Java navigation, as you can do everything using 
> normal HTML, which is quicker and available to more people. It's also 
> easier for you to change.

Frames are also generally to be avoided as it's hard to do navigation / 
send a link to someone for a frame without loosing half the site.... 
I've heard frames are also a problem for printers (?).

Hence most people use server side includes/code to generate pages with 
menu bars in etc.


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