[Wolves] Nice Guy of the week award

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Feb 18 14:54:20 GMT 2004

Hi David

Now come on! don't try and ingratiate yourself by pretending you didn't
see the problem immediately! (only kidding)

I did crown you nice guy of the week but Adam did a better job of
handling me and we all like a good handling, don't we?

Technical competance 90% 
Time response to customer 80% 
Sickly, treacley, sucky up to customer 20%

I cant reproduce what one of our engineers response was when I said the
same to him, all I could think say was "I rest my case"

Cheers Bud
On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 14:28, David Goodwin wrote:
> Peter Cannon wrote:
> > Hi Ad (hope it's ok to shorten your name)
> > 
> > You get the nice guy of the week award.
> > 
> > Good to see someone else being mystified by a problem, understanding
> > that that person cannot see it even when it is staring them in the face,
> > and taking the time to reassure them they are not thick, going mental
> > and are just a pain in the arse.
> > 
> Sounds rather like me when I was at Compaq once.... I'd written a perl 
> script which dumped some stuff in a file called "ouput.txt". It took me 
> hours (and a call for help to the unix support people) before I realised 
> I'd forgotten the t...
> I just couldn't see why it would show up on a "ls -l ou*" but not an "ls 
> -l output.txt".
> David.
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Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

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