[Wolves] Editors

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Sun Jan 18 19:42:01 GMT 2004

fizzy spoo'd forth:
> --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org> wrote: 
>> 6. Not be modal. Modal editors are arse.
>> Vim dies on 6.
> For me I do a little editing of config files so joe
> does the job fine.  If I wanted a proper editor I'd
> use vi(m). I think it's pretty harsh to exclude it
> just because it's modal, I guess it's somat you just
> have to get used to? 

I do not like modal editors.

I spent a good six months using vim, so I haven't just dismissed it
out of hand. I'm quite prepared to believe that modalness isn't
*inherently* a bad thing, it's just that I seem to be missing the
bit of my brain that will get it. I cannot work productively with it,
and I tried bleedin' hard :)

No vim for me. :)

If you can edit the config files for joe so that it does everything
on my list, then I'm interested in it, but I don't believe that
you can...


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	   -- Joe Hallenbach, "The Last Boy Scout"

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