[Wolves] ebay screen scraper

sparkes sparkes at phreaker.net
Mon Jan 19 12:47:07 GMT 2004

On Sun, 2004-01-18 at 16:30, sparkes wrote:

> http://westmids.homeunix.com/projects/ebayscraper/ebay.php
> http://westmids.homeunix.com/projects/ebayscraper/ebay.phps 

I would reply to Davids post but fetchmail seems to have eaten all my
mail this morning :-(

anyway I can't reproduce the error you found it must have been one of
ebays 'down for routine maintainance' things.  But I have added some
error checking.

using the wrong user name now returns

      Ebay Sellers RDF for jonobacon999 produced an error
Does this user (jonobacon999) exist? and is the ebay site functional at
the moment? Because this script has paniced and produced this very
unhelpful error, sorry ;-) Better error conditions to come, thank you
for your time.

Not the most helpful message in the world but at least now it dies with
a valid xml response ;-) Pah if only I was lazy and didn't return the
correct header you would have just seen a foobar'd webpage ;-)

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