[Wolves] Episode 8 LugRadio and the elections

TriG carl at fr0st.co.uk
Tue Jun 1 12:08:16 BST 2004


Way off topic, but I had to say this
On Tue, 2004-06-01 at 11:57, Peter Cannon wrote:

> Cor the diplomacy of the Jack boot

> Your absolutely right!
> Sorry for my lavatorial humour!
> Smile your on Candid Camera :-)
> P.S. I don't support BNP I was at the Lewisham riots I lived not far from 
> there and my family shopped there of a Saturday it was not a pretty site.

I was born in Bow, but shipped off to Lewisham hospital. Most of family
were born or died there.. Small world!

> I mentioned it to be slightly provocative, just because a party says it 
> supports a patent issue doesn't mean they are the only political voice.


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