[Wolves] PAT/NAT

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Wed Jun 9 10:50:51 BST 2004

SimonB wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've got a small problem and need an opinion, we have a network of about 
> 50 machines and with 8 useable public IP's. I'm setting up the Cisco PIX 
> 501 firewall, and im not sure which would be more advantagous using a 
> NAT for t'internet or a PAT.

What's a PAT? P=Partial?

I'd keep as many of the public ip's usused as possible, and reserve them 
for servers etc in the future - so you could e.g. split the mail,www etc 
up in the future.

Generally end users don't need public ips.

Having said that I've no idea what your machines do/are for etc.


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