[Wolves] Networking tutorials

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 9 20:54:53 GMT 2004

 --- fr0st <carl at fr0st.co.uk> wrote: 
> >SLOX does all the above, and :
> >- groupware,
> >- chat server,
> >- LDAP (directory for address books, authentication
> etc)
> >- Web Mail
> >
> >There are free software AV scanners, everything
> else should be
> >relatively simple... albiet time consuming and
> probably frustrating the
> >first time around to get talking to each other.
> SLOX is pretty cool. We sell it at work, SUSE made
> us Advance Partners.. If 
> you want a decent backup script for it or want a
> decent price, let me 
> know.. I'll sort you one out!

Thanks, SLOX looks good though I haven't looked at it
too closely yet. I came across the script you mention
via Jono's website while googling to find out what
SLOX was.

The key here is that it's a) personal interest to see
if I can do it and b) it may be an academic project.
For these reasons I'm not going to shell out for a
boxed product, thanks for the offer though. My plan is
to produce the set up myself from Debian most

I may even look at a way of rollng it up and rolling
it out again elsewhere, though this will most likely
involve tarring up the contents of the partitions,
untarring them onto another disk, putting the disk in
another machine and reconfiguring the packages to make
it applicable to a new environment.

I certainly can't program for shit, but I can't avoid
it all my life, so I might try get my act together and
write some wizards that parse certain config files,
allow you to select options and write the config files
correctly for you, or borrow somebody elses GPL'ed
ones ;)

The principle being that in the long term, I can say
to employers, "Oh you use Windows servers? How much do
you pay for the licenses? I can do this for you for
free, you just have to pay me for my time." This is of
course a naive and ill-thought out plan, but it's
something I'd like to be able to do in terms of the
skills required to do it.

I will look at SLOX though, so thanks for the advice.

Does anyone know of any other webmail front ends for
Sendmail compatible MTAs?. I've come across Neomail
and Squirrelmail, or does anyone have any experience
of these two?





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