[Wolves] Networking tutorials

Ron Wellsted ron at wellsted.org.uk
Tue Mar 9 21:15:51 GMT 2004

On Tuesday 09 March 2004 20:54, Adam Sweet wrote:
> The key here is that it's a) personal interest to see
> if I can do it and b) it may be an academic project.
> For these reasons I'm not going to shell out for a
> boxed product, thanks for the offer though. My plan is
> to produce the set up myself from Debian most
> probably.
> I may even look at a way of rollng it up and rolling
> it out again elsewhere, though this will most likely
> involve tarring up the contents of the partitions,
> untarring them onto another disk, putting the disk in
> another machine and reconfiguring the packages to make
> it applicable to a new environment.
> I certainly can't program for shit, but I can't avoid
> it all my life, so I might try get my act together and
> write some wizards that parse certain config files,
> allow you to select options and write the config files
> correctly for you, or borrow somebody elses GPL'ed
> ones ;)
> The principle being that in the long term, I can say
> to employers, "Oh you use Windows servers? How much do
> you pay for the licenses? I can do this for you for
> free, you just have to pay me for my time." This is of
> course a naive and ill-thought out plan, but it's
> something I'd like to be able to do in terms of the
> skills required to do it.
> I will look at SLOX though, so thanks for the advice.

SLOX would be a pretty good model, as is e-smith <http://www.e-smith.org>.
For a M$ model, look at the functionality of SBS (Small Business Server)
The one item that I have not been able to totally reproduce under linux (with 
free software) has been Exchange.

> Does anyone know of any other webmail front ends for
> Sendmail compatible MTAs?. I've come across Neomail
> and Squirrelmail, or does anyone have any experience
> of these two?

For when I need to access webmail at home I use squirrelmail which is quite 
good, very like the yahoo webmail interface.  It does require a working IMAP 
Look at Horde/IMP <http://www.horde.org>,
PHPGroupWare <http://www.phpgroupware.org>
and OpenGroupWare <http://www.opengroupware.org>

> Thanks,
> Ad

Ron Wellsted
ron at wellsted.org.uk
N 52.567623, W 2.137621

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