[Wolves] Cygwin/X

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Mon Mar 15 16:00:51 GMT 2004

Aquarius spoo'd forth:
> Old Dan spoo'd forth:
>>>>> See : http://www.nomachine.com/ (I think)
>>>> Yep, you have to pay for that.
>>> No, there's a free version available. The guys upstairs wouldn't have 
>> the downloads page - and oh yeah, there the sources are, under 
>> 'Developers'.... :)
>> Ah well, I take it all back...  Might try it meself in fact...  :)
> As do I. Hm ;-)

"NoMachine is a supporter of the Linux and Open Source communities. If
you are an OSS developer and want to test NX with your application, add
NX integration services or simply want to use our software for fun,
please send an e-mail to us and you will receive a copy of the NX
products of your choice free-of-charge."

That's fairly nice of them, and the source availability makes them
GPL-compliant, assuming that there's source for everything. Cool!


Once saw someone misspell thesaurus as theosaurus, and someone asked if
a theosaurus was a giant omnipotent dinosaur.
           -- alt.fan.eddings

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