[Wolves] Content Management

Carl Pickering carl at fr0st.co.uk
Wed Mar 17 09:42:40 GMT 2004

Just FYI - Mambo

Vendor  : Mambo Open Source
URL     : http://www.mamboserver.com
Version : Mambo Open Source 4.5 Stable 1.0.3 && Earlier
Risk    : Multiple Vulnerabilities

Mambo Open Source is the finest open source Web Content Management System
available today. Mambo Open Source makes communicating via the Web easy.
Have you always wanted to have your own site but never understood how? Well
Mambo Open Source is just the ticket! With Mambo Open Source there is no
need for HTML, XML or DHTML skills, just enter your content, add a picture
and then through the easy to use administrator web-interface ...click
Publish! Simple ... Quick ... And easy! With the in-built editor Mambo Open
Source allows you to design and create your content without the need for 
code. Maintaining a website has never been easier.

Cross Site Scripting:
There are a few variables that will allow for XSS (cross site scripting) on
most pages of a Mambo Open Source Installation. The variables in 
question are
"return", and the "mos_change_template" variable. Below are some examples of
these mentioned XSS problems in action.


The "return" variable is just the contents of the url, so it allows you to
pass pretty much any junk to the url and have it printed straight to the 
without being validated. This takes place on almost EVERY page within MOS

SQL Injection && Query Tampering:
It is possible for an attacker or malicious user to influence SQL queries by
altering the "id" variable. The below examples is not malicious so they will
just trigger an error. The query gets passed near

"SELECT title FROM mos_categories WHERE id=[SQL]" in "pathway.php"

Please note that this vuln is also likely to exist in other places as well.

[VID] = A vaild id relating to the resource
[SQL] = An SQL query that's to be executed


------[ Start Example Of Vuln Code 

if ($id) {
	$database->setQuery( "SELECT title FROM #__categories WHERE id=$id" );
	$title = $database->loadResult();
	echo $database->getErrorMsg();

	$id = max( array_keys( $mitems ) ) + 1;
	$mitem = pathwayMakeLink(
	$mitems[$id] = $mitem;
	$Itemid = $id;

------[ Ends Example Of Vuln Code 

As you can see in this code snip from pathway.php, the variable $id is 
directly into the query without any sort of real validation. This is however
resolved in the newly updated version of Mambo Open Source by requiring 
$id to be
validated via the intval() function. That way it only returns a valid 
integer and
thus prevents SQL injection from happening.

Special thanks goes to Robert Castley for his very prompt, and 
professional response,
and for the genuine concern regarding the security of Mambo Open Source 
server. A new
version of the Mambo Open Source package is now available from their 
official website
and should be applied soon as possible. Advisory @ 

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