[Wolves] Suse

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Thu Mar 18 10:14:41 GMT 2004

Try :

cd $destinationDirectoryForSymLink

ln -s $pathToTheSourceFile $destinationFile


cd /usr/local/apps/mozilla/current/plugins

ln -s /usr/local/apps/flash/current/libflashplayer.so libflashplayer.so

Creates a symlink in /usr/local/apps/mozilla/current/plugins which links 
to the file in /usr/local/apps/flash/current/libflashplayer.so

The last filename can be ommitted, if you wish to keep the name of the 
file the same - so :

ln -s /usr/local/apps/flash/current/libflashplayer.so

would create a symlink called libflashplayer.so pointing to 

You can also use relative path names :


ln -s ../../../../flash/libflashplayer.so

When ever I try creating symlinks outside of the destination directory 
they tend to go wrong, unless you use the full paths, so I generally 
don't bother (one less thing to break etc.).

(You can obviously link directories too, I've just used a file in my 
examples above)

Didn't really read your other email properly, but the above might help.



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