[Wolves] Crap web company website

Matthew Revell wolveslug at understated.co.uk
Fri Mar 19 11:59:57 GMT 2004

Peter Cannon wrote:

> I can define that even better "Champagne tastes Lemonade pockets" 

Note sure what you mean.

> Just to give a quick example of the types of businesses I speak to on a
> daily basis, A while ago I worked for a manufacturing company who had a
> Rutting machine (It made grooves in metal) this machine broke down so
> the Director looked at the name plate an rang the manufacturer in
> Cincinnati USA

<snip />

Yes, it's a very traditional business base, round these parts. Altho', 
if a rutting machine (great name) is working, why replace it? :)



Matthew Revell.

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