[Wolves] Crap web company website

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Mar 19 12:27:18 GMT 2004

Hi Matt

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 11:59, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Peter Cannon wrote:
> > I can define that even better "Champagne tastes Lemonade pockets" 
> Note sure what you mean.
They want to drive Ferraris but can only afford a push bike,
> > Just to give a quick example of the types of businesses I speak to on a
> > daily basis, A while ago I worked for a manufacturing company who had a
> > Rutting machine (It made grooves in metal) this machine broke down so
> > the Director looked at the name plate an rang the manufacturer in
> > Cincinnati USA
> <snip />
> Yes, it's a very traditional business base, round these parts. Altho', 
> if a rutting machine (great name) is working, why replace it? :)
Yes I know its a little controversial given that one of the ideas of
Linux is resurrecting old kit but you have to admit that a guy banging
nails into wood all day and a top of the range machine doing the same
job just cannot compare.

The machine will be more precise, quicker, economical and wont keep
nipping to the loo.

My point was most businesses will take the cheep option but expect a
high end result. When that result is not high end they will convince
themselves that it is, and get very hurt when you explain the reasons
for the poor result.

Another good example is the Web site we all discussed yesterday. I bet
the owners think vehemently that its quality is excellent the fact that
it was probably home produced with a cheap software package and if we
think its pants you can bet your bottom dollar others do too, will not
get them to spend money to improve it because they will be of the same
opinion "Hey it works so why change it?".

I believe if you want something that is top notch then you have to pay
good money for it.

You know the old saying "Pay peanuts you get Monkeys"  


Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

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