[Wolves] Linux networking basics

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Sun Mar 21 19:03:43 GMT 2004

> Howdy all,
> In the past, I've only ever networked a Linux machine (Red Hat) with a
> Windows machine.
> Now, I'm planning to network two Debian machines, with a possible WinXP
> machine (may become Debian, if I can get my wireless card running under
> Linux), in the future.
> What's the best way for me to do this? All in Samba? Also, can anyone
> point me to some introductory, easy-to-understand Linux networking
> tutorials, as everything seems pretty scarey at the moment.

If it's all Linux, use NFS. If Windows is involved, consider using both -
NFS for Linux2Linux and Samba for Linux2Windows.

I have one central fileserver type machine, which has home directors and
things like OpenOffice / latest Mozilla / subversion etc installed under
it's /usr/local, which is then mounted on all clients.

All clients use NIS (for usernames/passwords) and have NFS mounted
/home's. This just means I can log onto one machine and have an identical
desktop etc to what I had on the other.

> Under Red Hat, networking seemed easier than under Debian. Apt sorting out
> all the depencies is bloody cool, tho', so I think I'm gonna stick with
> Debian.

IP addresses etc are defined in /etc/sysconfig/network on Debian I think.
Look for something like ifcfg-ethX (where X is a number). I might be
getting confused with SuSE/RedHat/Debian here.

I'll assume you understand IP addressing, and don't need help on that, and
e.g. pinging hosts to make sure that works :)




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