[Wolves] Apt: package has no installation candidate

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Sun Mar 21 21:31:20 GMT 2004

Matthew Revell spoo'd forth:
> Howdy,
> Okay, I've installed Morphix to my hard disk.
> Now, I've been trying to do the "apt-get dist-upgrade" thing since last
> night. I've tidied up the /etc/apt/sources.list so it only has:
> deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
> deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib
> non-free
> deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib non-free
> but when I run apt-get dist-upgrade I get told that there's nothing to
> upgrade. (I have also run apt-get update before doing this.) Great, I must
> have a full up to date Debian system. However, I get another apt-get
> problem, any time I try to apt-get install anything I get the message:

Morphix isn't, if I remember correctly, based on Debian stable, but on
testing (or something like that). So all the packages you have on the
machine will be *newer* than the versions in stable, which is why it
thinks that there's nothing to upgrade.

Your solution here is: don't run stable. 

You're thinking: shit, I want a stable machine! But, for Debian,
"stable" means "well out of date". Run testing instead (testing instead
of stable in sources.list -- and why use us.debian.org, incidentally??)
and that may well be resolved. Personally, I run unstable, which isn't
actually unstable at all, but testing might be better for you. I ran
testing for some time before going to unstable.


Writing software is, in fact, like dancing to frozen music.
	   -- mewse

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